winter got you down?

We can help you flip the script in just 5 days!

Learn how to reset, refresh, and restore your homeschool in this free 5-day challenge!

Feeling burnt out and fed up with homeschooling?

If you've reached a point in your homeschool year when

  • the curriculum feels dull,

  • you feel like you're nagging more than teaching,

  • cabin fever is at an all-time high,

  • and you're gazing longingly out the window at the yellow buses going by...

then it's time to

flip the script!

get ready!

Enter your email to join the Live online challenge February 6th-10th, 2023, and get immediate access to your downloadable workbook.

We are bringing together experts, homeschoolers, and

moms like you...

To share real wisdom, actionable steps, and new perspectives to have you homeschooling confidently again!

  • Daily video drops outline a 5-day action plan for getting out of the February rut. Get free 24-hour access to each day's focused workshop plus additional guest speaker sessions to offer additional tips and encouragement.

  • A challenge workbook keeps you on track. Stay plugged-in to the process with a reflection workbook for the key steps and takeaways. You will have a customized homeschool reset plan ready for any time you need a refresh.

  • Community brings it together for support and accountability. Live interaction in our pop-up Facebook group gives you the immediate relief to know you are not alone on this journey. Support, encouragement, and accountability is just a click away.


Amanda Schenkenberger helps moms homeschool anxiety free. She shares her practical, life-giving approach to homeschooling inside her Heart Smart Homeschool Moms community where she coaches other mamas who are ready to finally catch their breath and flourish at home education.



Vanessa Novissimo Wright is a veteran homeschooling parent, life coach for mothers in midlife, published author, and contributor to the popular The Homeschool Mom website. She guides

midlife moms to create sustainable self-care practices via her FLOW method and helps them take authentic action toward their goals and dreams.



Jennifer is founder and CEO of Log Cabin Schoolhouse, a STEM education business serving students virtually. She was an engineer before homeschooling her own kids over the past ten years, and now she enjoys sharing her technology skills with as many kids as possible.



Amy Sloan and her husband John are 2nd-generation homeschoolers to 5 children from 7 to 17 years old, adventuring together in NC where they pursue a restfully-classical education.
Amy writes at and hosts the “Homeschool Conversations with Humility and Doxology” podcast.



Penny Mayes is a professional art teacher, a professional educator, and a veteran home-school mom of 20 years. Her passion is integrating hands-on art projects with art history and history unit studies. She is also a wife and the mother of three adult children. She holds a master’s in education and makes her home in North Carolina.



Randi is a former speech-language therapist turned homeschool mom and educational content creator.  She is the mother of two boys with learning differences.  Her prior work with children with learning disabilities has informed her approach to homeschooling and the resources she creates for her site, Peanut Butter Fish Lessons.



Brooke is the creator and founder of Homeschool Resource Co. and the head mama over at the blog, The Fervent Mama. Over her eight-year blogging career, she’s been a contributor to some of the top homeschool bloggers, cultivated an amazing community of women who love Jesus, and has been featured multiple times by major news publications.



Dalton and her family began homeschooling and founded Dandelion Learning Collaborative three years ago. Dalton experienced 16 years of work in public education and leadership and holds degrees and certifications in Montessori, special education, language, and equity.



Kimberli's info is coming soon!.

5 Days

12 Video Lessons

30 Page Workbook

Facebook Group

Excellent Support

join the challenge today!

Live online
February 6-10, 2023

The February slump is a real thing.

You are not alone.

Many homeschoolers, teachers, administrators, and executives experience a feeling of drifting through the weeks and months after the new year.
Part seasonal sadness, part boredom... all fixable.

lets chat

schedule a call with me

You don't have to wait for the challenge if you're struggling.

Meet Laina

I've been a homeschool mom for 14 years. In my early years of homeschooling, I wanted to quit every February. Every single one. I’d start calling public schools about enrollment, setting up tours at the private schools and doing the math to see if it would fit our budget. I’d never really make a decision, and somehow, we’d hobble through until spring. Then every May, I’d start thinking about the next school year and be really excited about homeschooling again!

After a few years of this, I realized it was not a sustainable pattern. I couldn’t keep losing relational ground with my kids mid-winter because we just weren’t feeling the “schooling” part of homeschooling. But I didn’t know what to do about it.

By chance, we had an opportunity to take a mini vacation one February. We spent the time from the holiday break until our trip in anticipation, planning, and learning about all the things we could see and do. The time flew by, and before I knew it, it was April, and I hadn’t remembered wanting to quit at all that year! We were all getting along better, and never lost our flow before being excited to do it all again.

I excitedly shared my transformation with other homeschoolers in my community, and heard about their February struggles and the strategies for getting through it. I realized that I was not alone in this pattern, and I realized that I needed to be proactive about the doldrums of the long, dreary winter days that affected all of us. Our family traveled when we could, but as my kids got older and dual-enrollment classes and dance competitions limited our freedom, I had to find other ways to “flip the script” on the February slump!

Thus, the Flip Your February Challenge was born!

get on the list!

Sign up now so you don't miss this amazing event!


The Flip Your February Challenge is a program of

The Triangle Homeschool Resource Center

611 Benson Road

Garner, NC 27529

(919) 346-3098