Flip Your February 2023

Are you ready to freshen up your homeschool this February?

Each day, we'll bring you one Focus Session on the day's topic and extra golden advice from our guest speakers!

Focus session: Give yourself permission to stop and assess!

Amanda Schenkenberger

"Seasonal Self-Care for Moms and Kids"

Vanessa Wright

"Finding Your FLOW: Creating Sustainable Self-Care Practices While Homeschooling"

Focus session: Refocusing on our needs and interests

Amy Sloan

"Our Morning Gathering: how to bring memory, laughter, and relationships to your homeschool day"

Dalton Onorato

"Trust the Child: Supporting Self-directed Learning and finding Peace at Homeschool"

Focus session: Lighten up the gloomy days!

Charlene Notgrass

"February Funtimes"

Randi Smith

"Put Away the Curriculum and Curate a Fun Unit Study"

Focus session: Giving old favorites a new twist!

Penny Mayes

"Beat the Winter Blahs with Hands-on Projects!"

Jennifer Wolverton

"Math Chats: Neat Notebooks, not Textbooks! Making math a FUN HUMANity subject!"

Focus session: Keep the momentum going all year long!

Stephanie Iraggi

"Breaking Out of the Slump: 10 Solutions When School Feels Boring"

Brooke Poston

"Revitalize Your Homeschool With Supplemental Content"

join the challenge today!

Live online
February 6-10, 2023


The Flip Your February Challenge is a program of

The Triangle Homeschool Resource Center

611 Benson Road

Garner, NC 27529

(919) 346-3098